German Spruce (Whitewood)
German Spruce is typically a creamy white, with a hint of yellow and/or red. Norway Spruce has a fine, even texture, and a consistently straight grain.
Heartwood Color varies from white to pale yellow-brownish color, with very little or no discernible difference between sapwood and heartwood. The wood is typically straight grained. Growth rings are reported to be visible because of the contrast between the darker outer late wood and the lighter early wood. The wood is fine-textured. The material is reported to possess a natural luster. The wood is reported to dry rapidly and well, but requires some care to minimize defects.
Main Uses
It could be used in Construction lumber & Musical instrument soundboards.
Working Properties
Easy to work, as long as there are no knots present. Glues and finishes well. A sanding sealer, gel stain, or toner is recommended when coloring Spruce.
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